
Information Session for the UNESCO Chair on Water, Energy and Disaster Management (WENDI) Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) Programme
日時:2024年10月7日(月) 18:30-19:30
対象:京都大学の大学院生 参加希望者は、下記Zoomリンクから登録してください。
Date and Time: 7 October 2024, 18:30-19:30
Style: Online
Intended Participants: Graduate Students of Kyoto University
If you would like to participate, please register from the following linlk.
Please download WENDI-HESD Guideline of Registration for the Academic Year 2024 (pdf) in advance.

Information Session for the UNESCO Chair on Water, Energy and Disaster Management (WENDI) Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) Programme
日時:2024年4月11日(木) 18:30-19:30
対象:京都大学の大学院生 Zoomによる説明会の参加希望者は、下記Zoomリンクから登録してください。
Date and Time: 11 April 2024, 18:30-19:30
Venue: Yoshida Campus Research Bldg No 3 (First floor, Rm 155) (Campus Map: No. 35)
Style: Hybrid (onsite + online)
Intended Participants: Graduate Students of Kyoto University
If you would like to participate the online session, please register from the following linlk.
Please download WENDI-HESD Guideline of Registration for the Academic Year 2024 (pdf) in advance if you participate the session via Zoom.
wendi_guideline_2024 (To be updated)

Information Session for the UNESCO Chair on Water, Energy and Disaster Management (WENDI) Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) Programme
日時:2023年10月2日(月) 18:30-19:30
対象:京都大学の大学院生 Zoomによる説明会の参加希望者は、下記Zoomリンクから登録してください。
Date and Time: 2 October 2023, 18:30-19:30
Venue: Yoshida Campus Research Bldg No 3 (First floor, Rm 155) (Campus Map: No. 35)
Style: Hybrid (onsite + online)
Intended Participants: Graduate Students of Kyoto University
If you would like to participate the online session, please register from the following linlk.
Please download WENDI-HESD Guideline of Registration for the Academic Year 2023 (pdf) in advance if you participate the session via Zoom.

Information Session for the UNESCO Chair on Water, Energy and Disaster Management (WENDI) Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) Programme
日時:2023年4月7日(金) 18:30-19:30
対象:京都大学の大学院生 Zoomによる説明会の参加希望者は、下記Zoomリンクから登録してください。
Date and Time: 7 April 2023, 18:30-19:30
Venue: Yoshida Campus Research Bldg No 3 (First floor, Rm 155) (Campus Map: No. 35)
Style: Hybrid (onsite + online)
Intended Participants: Graduate Students of Kyoto University
If you would like to participate the online session, please register from the following linlk.
Please download WENDI-HESD Guideline of Registration for the Academic Year 2023 (pdf) in advance if you participate the session via Zoom.

Information Session for the UNESCO Chair on Water, Energy and Disaster Management (WENDI) Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) Programme
日時:2022年10月3日(金) 18:30-19:30
対象:京都大学の大学院生 Zoomによる説明会の参加希望者は、下記Flyerに記載のメールアドレスまで事前にご連絡ください。アクセス先をお伝えいたします。
Date and Time: 3 October 2022 18:30-19:30
Venue: Yoshida Campus Research Bldg No 3 (First floor, Rm 155) (Campus Map: No. 35)
Style: Hybrid (onsite + online)
Intended Participants: Graduate Students of Kyoto University
If you would like to participate the online session, please register in advance from the following linlk.
Please download WENDI-HESD Guideline of Registration for the Academic Year 2022 (pdf) in advance if you participate the session via Zoom.

UNESCO Chair WENDI Resilience Brief 2022 is released.
The brief is a collection of reports by graduate students of WENDI, who have worked on their independent studies or fieldworks under compulsory elective subject: 1) “Social Innovation and Resilience” or 2) “Practices for Creating Resilience” provided by Course for Creating for Resilient Societies (CRS) in 2021-2022.

Information Session for the UNESCO Chair on Water, Energy and Disaster Management (WENDI) Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) Programme
日時:2022年4月8日(金) 18:30-19:30
対象:京都大学の大学院生 Zoomによる説明会の参加希望者は、下記Flyerに記載のメールアドレスまで事前にご連絡ください。アクセス先をお伝えいたします。
Date and Time: 8 April 2022 18:30-19:30
Venue: Yoshida Campus Research Bldg No 3 (First floor, Rm 155) (Campus Map: No. 35)
Style: Hybrid (onsite + online)
Intended Participants: Graduate Students of Kyoto University
If you would like to participate the online session, please contact us by email to the address indicated in the following flyer.
Please download WENDI-HESD Guideline of Registration for the Academic Year 2022 (pdf) in advance if you participate the session via Zoom.

WENDI Resilience Workshop
・発表者:京都大学 農学研究科 岡田紫苑・総合生存学館 安永温子

ユネスコチェアWENDI-HESDプログラム(2021年後期)の履修登録期間が 11月12日(金)まで延長されました。
The due of the registration to “WENDI-HESD Programme (2021 2nd semester)” has been extended to November 12 (Fri).
Please see Guideline of the HESD Programme for the registration.

Information Session for the UNESCO Chair on Water, Energy and Disaster Management (WENDI) Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) Programme
日時:2021年10月4日(月) 18:30-
対象:京都大学の大学院生 Zoomによる説明会の参加希望者は、下記Flyerに記載のメールアドレスまで事前にご連絡ください。アクセス先をお伝えいたします。
Date and Time: 4 Oct 2021 18:30-
Venue: Zoom Online
Intended Participants: Graduate Students of Kyoto University
If you would like to participate the online session, please contact us by email to the address indicated in the following flyer.
Please download WENDI-HESD Guideline of Registration for the Academic Year 2021 (pdf) in advance if you participate the session via Zoom.