Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD)


Guideline of Registration for the Academic Year 2024  プログラム登録要覧 (English, PDF)

Guideline of Registration for the Academic Year 2024  プログラム登録要覧 (Japanese, PDF)


Any graduate student at a graduate school in Kyoto University (Master Course, Doctoral Course) can register for the WENDI-HESD Programme.



Enrollment Procedure

Students wishing to enroll in the WENDI-HESD Programme are required to fill in and submit the registration form for UNESCO Chair WENDI. Please send the form to the designated Office for WENDI via e-mail by the due dates indicated below. If a student decides to withdraw from the WENDI-HESD Programme, s/he is required to fill in and submit a withdrawal form to Office for WENDI within one month from her/his decision. Please note that both forms require approval seals of the academic advisor of the student(s) at the respective graduate schools. The WENDI reserves the right to terminate the enrolment of any students who do not attend classes entirely or when the students fail to meet the enrolment procedure.





Registration Procedure

To participate in the WENDI-HESD Programme, it is necessary to complete
  • (1) Application procedures at one’s graduate school,
  • (2) Submission of registration form to the UNESCO Chair Office of WENDI, and
  • (3) Submission of “Educational Programme Subjects Application” form both to the Course professor in charge and to the UNESCO Chair Office of WENDI.
For the 1st Semester
(1) Graduate School (Registration and Audit Application) Deadline: the due date of each school
(2) WENDI-HESD Programme (Registration)  Deadline: 19 April 2024 (Fri.)
(3) Educational Programme Subjects Application Deadline: 30 April 2024 (Tue.)
For the 2nd Semester
(1) Graduate School (Registration and Audit Application) Deadline: the due date of each school
(2) WENDI-HESD Programme (Registration)  Deadline: 18 October 2024 (Fri.)
(3) Educational Programme Subjects Application Deadline: 28 October 2023 (Mon.)
(1) Registration procedure at graduate schools
Most of the classes of the Programme are derived from classes offered by respective graduate schools of Kyoto University. Students wishing to enroll at the WENDI-HESD Programme are required to register themselves to attend in their own school and/or request for permission to audit the classes at the respective other graduate schools.
(2) Registration for the UNESCO Chair
Choosing one of the five Courses (A-D) of the WENDI-HESD Programme, submit the application form with your supervisor’s signature/seal to the UNESCO Chair Office of WENDI by e-mail.
(3) Submission of the Educational Programme Subjects Application
Students registered by (1) above should submit “Educational Programme Subjects Application” for the Course chosen both to the person (or office) in charge of each Course and to the WENDI Secretariat as indicated in the form.
See APPENDIX I (p. 36), especially for the subject codes.

Grade evaluation will be shown on the grade register of the graduate school to which students belong. Please be sure to complete (1), (2) and (3) above.


  • (1) 所属研究科での科目履修登録手続き
  • (2) ユネスコチェア事務室への登録願手続き
  • (3) コース担当教員及びユネスコチェア事務室への科目の履修手続き


(2)ユネスコチェア登録願: 提出期限: 前期:2024年4月19日(金)、後期:2024年10月18日(金)
(3)ユネスコチェア科目履修届: 提出期限: 前期:2024年4月30日(火)、後期:2023年10月28日(月)
上記(1)により登録する者は、履修計画を立てて希望するコース所定の科目履修届を期日までに各コースの担当教員(担当事務室)及びユネスコチェア事務室の両方へe-mailで提出して下さい。科目コードについては付録(P. 36)をご参照ください。

これらの手続きを行うことにより、各科目の履修が可能となり、学期末には所属研究科の成績原簿に記載されます。これら (1), (2), (3)の手続きを怠らないよう特に注意をして下さい。

2024 Syllabus (WENDI-HESD Programme – Programme contents and completion criteria)

I. Common Recommended Subject

In the general education courses “Global Survivability Studies” introduces actual cases at the global and regional levels with respect to water, energy and disaster management, along with a discussion of how to respond towards a sustainable society. In addition, we will discuss what needs to be considered in situations where changes are expected in climate, population, energy and socio-economics. Furthermore, the role of UNESCO and other UN agencies will be introduced, along with sustainable development goals (SDGs) and education for sustainable development (ESD).

Name of subjects Credits Offered by Purposes
Global Survivability Studies 2 General education courses (offered by graduate school of engineering) Examples of hazardous events and societal anxieties such as large-scale natural disasters, sudden human-made disasters/accidents, regional environmental changes such as environmental degradation and infectious diseases, and food security will be introduced at both global and regional levels. Students will learn how to respond towards a sustainable society at the national, local, and community levels. Furthermore, we will discuss what needs to be considered in situations where changes are expected, such as climate, population, energy, food security, and socio-economics. In addition, we introduce the role of UNESCO and other UN agencies, sustainable development goals (SDGs), the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) and the Paris Agreement on climate change.

The issues covered in this lecture are global ones that cannot be solved by a single academic field. Approaches from various fields such as water, energy, disaster management and food security are essential. In this course, such interdisciplinary content will be discussed, and teachers and students with different academic backgrounds will discuss together. In the lecture, an overview of the United Nations, particularly UNESCO, and their activities, as well as the international agreements such as SDGs, will also be explained.

II. Name of subjects

Name of subjects Credits Offered by Purposes
Field Laboratories in Multi-scale Earth Dynamics I
(Offered biennially, offered in 2024)
2 Graduate School of Science Fundamental principles on various observations of the atmosphere are explained in this class, and it is stated how to use such instruments to observe atmospheric variations. For example, observations of temperature, water vapor, wind speed and direction, concentration of minor constituents such as CO2, and so on over land and ocean with high accuracy and resolution are introduced. Analysis methods of the observed data are also given to understand the multiple scales in time and space of the atmospheric variations.
Meso-Scale Precipitation Systems and Severe Storms
(Applied Meteorology IIA)(English Class is offered in 2024)
2 Graduate School of Science A suite of lectures on meso- and micro-scale meteorology is given, which provides the basis for advanced research in meteorological disaster or atmospheric pollution. Special attentions are focused on cumulus convection and the severe storms. The dynamics and mechanism of various phenomenon such as wind gust, tornado, down burst, squall line and even the tropical storm and the impacts of climate change on those phenomena are explained.
Others To be announced


I. 共通推奨科目


科目名 単位数 提供 目的
グローバル生存学 2 全学共通科目(工学研究科提供) 巨大自然災害、突発的人為災害・事故、環境劣化・感染症などの地域環境変動、食料安全保障といった危険事象や社会不安の事例を地球規模、地域規模で紹介し、国レベル、地方レベル、あるいは、住民レベルで、持続可能な社会に向けてどのように対応しているのかを学ぶ。また、気候、人口、エネルギー、食糧安全保障や社会経済などの変化が予想される状況において、今後考えるべき事柄は何かを議論する。さらに、ユネスコ等国連機関の役割とSDGs、仙台防災枠組、気候変動パリ協定についても紹介する。

概要: 本講義で対象とする課題は、地球規模で生起しており、その解決は単独の学問分野ではできない。水・エネルギー・災害管理・食料安全保障など、多様な分野からのアプローチが必要である。本科目は、こうした観点から学際的な内容を講述するとともに、異なる学問的背景を持つ教員と学生が教室において議論する場を設ける。講義の中では、以下のような国際連合、特に、ユネスコ組織の概要や活動とSDGsなどの国際合意文書についても解説する。

II. 共通選択科目

科目名 単位数 提供 目的
2 理学研究科 さまざまな大気の観測手法について、その測定原理について説明するとともに、それらの観測装置を実際に利用することを通して、地球大気の変動現象をどのように捉えることができるのかについて理解することを目的とする。具体的には、温度、湿度、風向・風速さらには二酸化炭素などの大気微量成分の高精度、高時間分解能の地上観測及び海上観測について紹介する。また、得られた観測データから多重の階層性をもつ大気変動の実体を把握するための解析手法について概観する。
2 理学研究科 気象災害や大気環境問題を引き起こす中小規模の気象学について講義する。特に積乱雲が関与する激しい現象を伴う中小規模現象の構造や特性、それらのダイナミクスやメカニズム、さらには数理的・物理的モデリングについての理解を深める。対象とする現象は、突風・竜巻・ダウンバースト・積乱雲・メソ対流系・スコールライン・熱帯低気圧・台風などである。また、それら中小規模現象の結果として生じる暴風雨現象の特徴、さらには気候変動の影響についても理解を深める。
その他 適宜アナウンスされる

Details of Courses A-D and F / コースA-D、Fの詳細

The following table shows the maximum number of credits that can be approved.

Course Maximum number of credits
D. SBM 4
F. CRS 4

(2) About duplication of registered subjects

Note that a subject that is registered in a Course you selected cannot be approved when you take another Course.


コース 最大認定単位数
D. SBM 4
F. CRS 4

Forms 様式

Registration ユネスコチェア登録願
Educational Programme Subjects Applications (A-D) 科目履修届(A-D)

     – Subjects_Applications_2024_A

     – Subjects_Applications_2024_B

     – Subjects_Applications_2024_C

     – Subjects_Applications_2024_D
Application for Certification of Previously Acquired Subjects 既修得科目認定申請書
Certificate Request 修了証交付願
Withdrawal 辞退願

Field Exercise

Some of the courses (see the below section V) require the students to carry out at least one field exercise.
WENDI’s HP lists various fields for the students to consider planning their own exercises (the list is available only in Japanese as of April 2019). See: フィールド実習地情報(2019年2月現在).pdf




Couse A: Water Resources and Disaster Management Course (WRDM) requires the students to take the UNESCO-IHP Training. The outline of this IHP training is given in Appendix of the brochure. Kindly be requested to register for the training in due course.

ユネスコIHP 研修

Aコース:水資源マネジメント・水防災ユネスコチェアコース (WRDM) は、ユネスコIHP研修を必修とします。巻末付録に、その概要が記載されています。受講者は、この研修にも登録して下さい。

WENDI-HESD Programme Courses and Faculty Members in Charge

A. Water Resources and Disaster Management Course (WRDM)

Faculty members Prof. Yasuto Tachikawa (Chief)
Prof. Tomoharu Hori, Prof. Eiichi Nakakita, Prof. Yutaka Ichikawa,
Prof. Kenji Tanaka, Prof. Takahiro Sayama,
Prof. Sameh Ahmed Kantoush, Assoc. Prof. Sunmin Kim, Assoc. Prof. Kazuaki Yorozu, Specially-Appointed Assoc. Prof. Mohamed Saber

B. Aquatic Environment & Water Quality Course (AEWQ)

Faculty members Prof. Yosuke Yamashiki (Chief)
Prof. Sadahiko Itoh, Prof. Kei Saito
Prof. Tomonari Matsuda, Prof. Shinya Echigo

C. Global Energy and Environment Course (GEEC)

Faculty members Prof. Benjamin Craig McLellan (Chief)
Prof. Hideaki Ohgaki, Assoc. Prof. Seiichi Ogata

D. Sustainable Bioresource Utilization and Ecosystem Management Course (SBM)

Faculty members Prof. Keisuke Katsura (Chief)
Prof. Satoshi Tachibana, Assist.‌ ‌Prof.‌ ‌Daisuke‌ ‌Naito,
Prof. Yosuke Yamashiki

E. Connectivity of Hills, Humans and Oceans Course (CoHHO)

Faculty members Recruitment has been terminated since Academic Year 2021.

F. Course for Creating Resilient Societies (CRS)

Faculty members Recruitment has been terminated since Academic Year 2023.

Faculty members for Common Subjects, etc.
Prof. Michinori Hatayama, Prof. Tetsuya Takemi, Junior Assoc. Prof. Florence Lahournat


A. 水資源マネジメント・水防災ユネスコチェアコース (WRDM)

担当教員 立川 康人 教授(代表)
堀 智晴 教授、中北 英一 教授、市川 温教授、田中 賢治教授、佐山 敬洋教授、カントシュ サメ アーメド 教授、金 善玟 准教授、萬 和明 准教授、モハメド サベル 特任准教授

B. 水環境・水質ユネスコチェアコース (AEWQ)

担当教員 山敷 庸亮 教授(代表)
伊藤 禎彦 教授、 齋藤 敬 教授
松田 知成 教授、 越後 信哉 教授

C. エネルギー科学ユネスコチェアコース (GEEC)

担当教員 マクレラン ベンジャミン クレイグ教授(代表)
大垣 英明 教授、尾形 清一 准教授

D. 持続的生物資源利用と生態系管理ユネスコチェアコース (SBM)

担当教員 桂 圭佑 教授(代表)
立花 敏 教授、内藤 大輔 助教、山敷 庸亮 教授

E. 森里海連環学ユネスコチェアコース (CoHHO)

担当教員 2021年度以降の新規募集はありません。

F. レジリエント社会創造ユネスコチェアコース (CRS)

担当教員 2023 年度以降の新規募集はありません。

畑山 満則 教授、竹見 哲也 教授、フローランス ラウルナ 講師


(1) About subjects taken in previous years

WENDI-HESD programme approves academic credits already taken in previous years, upon requested by students.
Please submit “Application for Certification of Previously Acquired Subjects” as well as a copy of your academic transcript issued by your graduate school.

(2) About duplication of registered subjects

Note that a subject that is registered in a Course you selected cannot be approved when you take another Course.


(1) 過去に取得した単位の遡り認定について

WENDI-HESD プログラムでは、学生の希望があれば、過去に既に履修した科目で取得した単位を修了単位として認定します。単位取得が確認できる研究科発行の成績表を添えて、「既修得科目認定申請書」を提出してください。

(2) 科目の重複履修について
