
Lecture Material for the UNESCO Chair WENDI Guidance Lecture(WENDI GL)
ユネスコチェアWENDIガイダンスレクチャー (Part II)資料
Please download the following material for the WENDI Guidance Lecture (Part II) on 30 July 2020.

Lecture Material for the UNESCO Chair WENDI Guidance Lecture(WENDI GL)
ユネスコチェアWENDIガイダンスレクチャー (Part I)資料
Please download the following material for the WENDI Guidance Lecture (Part I) on 9 July 2020.

「UNESCO SDGsスクールin 屋久島」の募集
Call for Travel Awards for “SDGs School in Yakushima”
応募締切:2020年7月20日(月) 17:00
Application Due: 20 July 2020, 17:00
Period of the school: 11-15 September 2020
Location: Yakushima
Eligible applicants: All graduate or undergraduate students of Kyoto University
See the detail on the flyer: Flyer_SDGs.pdf
(Note)We had similar questions from some students such as “if the corona situation is getting worse, it will be cancelled?”
For this, our response is: “if we decide we need to change the schedule given the situation and the Guideline, an alternative date will be November 19-23 2020”.

Information Session for the UNESCO Chair on Water, Energy and Disaster Management (WENDI) Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) Programme (for the extended registrations)
日時:2020年5月20日 18:15-(水)
場所:Zoom Online
Date and Time: 20 May 2020, 18:15-
Venue: Zoom Online

WENDI-HESD Guideline of Registration for the Academic Year 2020
2020年度 WENDI-HESDプログラム登録要覧
The due date of the registration is extended to 19 May 2020 (Wed) at noon.
WENDI-HESD Guideline of Registration for the Academic Year 2020 (pdf)

Educational Programme Subjects Application Form (for new registered students)
There are 6 type of forms. For newly registered students, please download the form of the couse you selected, fill in the green-coloured sections, and submit the form by April 27, 2020 via email.
Please make sure to send by email the form to the professor of the course you selected (CoHHO Office for the E Course) as well as to the Secretaiat of WENDI as indicated at the bottom of the form.
Note: For students who registered in the previous years, please update the form you submitted before according to credits you have obtained and courses you plan to take (if any change) and send it to the professor of the course you selected (CoHHO Office for the E Course) as well as to the Secretaiat of WENDI by April 27, 2020.
注意:昨年度にWENDIに登録した人は、提出済みのフォームを取得単位に応じて更新し、必要があれば履修予定の講義も更新したうえで、2020年4月27日までにコース担当教員(Eコースは、CoHHO事務室) とWENDI事務室へ電子メールで提出してください。
Educational Programme Subjects Application Form (A Course)
Educational Programme Subjects Application Form (B Course)
Educational Programme Subjects Application Form (C Course)
Educational Programme Subjects Application Form (D Course)
Educational Programme Subjects Application Form (E Course)
Educational Programme Subjects Application Form (F Course)

WENDI-HESD Guideline of Registration for the Academic Year 2020
2020年度 WENDI-HESDプログラム登録要覧
The due date of the registration is 17 April 2020 (Fri).
WENDI-HESD Guideline of Registration for the Academic Year 2020 (pdf)

31 March 2020UNESCO Chair WENDI Resilience Brief 2020 is released.
The brief is a collection of reports by graduate students of WENDI, who have worked on their independent studies or fieldworks under compulsory elective subject: 1) “Social Innovation and Resilience” or 2) “Practices for Creating Resilience” provided by Course for Creating for Resileient Societies (CRS).

WENDI-HESD Programme Certificate Conferment Celemony was held first time and 11 graduate students received the cerificates.
Date: 10:00, Mar. 23, 2020
Room#201, 2nd Floor Higashi Ichijo Kan, Kyoto University

UNESCO Chair WENDI, Workshop on Creating Resilient Society will be held on Feb. 27
2020/2/27 UNESCO Chair WENDI, Workshop on Creating Resilient Societyの開催について
Date: 13:00-17:20, Feb. 27 (Thu), 2020
Room#201, 2nd Floor Higashi Ichijo Kan, Kyoto University