
京大アセアン拠点のHPに Virtual Fields の動画が公開されています
Kyoto-ASEAN Virtual Fields can be accessed from the HP of Kyoto University ASEAN Center
Please visit the website introducing some UNESCO sites related to the WENDI’s activity.

Information Session for the UNESCO Chair on Water, Energy and Disaster Management (WENDI) Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) Programme
日時:2021年4月8日(木) 18:30-
Date and Time: 8 April 2021 18:30-
Venue: Hybrid Style: Room No. 201, Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (The following online attendance is also very welcome.) + Zoom Online
2nd Floor, Higashi-Ichijokan Bldg.
Intended Participants: Graduate Students of Kyoto University
If you would like to participate the information session via Zoom, please contact us by sending an email to the address indicated in the following flyer.
Please download WENDI-HESD Guideline of Registration for the Academic Year 2021 (pdf) in advance if you participate the session via Zoom.

UNESCO Chair WENDI/ GSAIS SDGs Yakushima Project Final Report is released
Final Report is available here: final-report.pdf

UNESCO Chair WENDI Resilience Brief 2021 is released.
The brief is a collection of reports by graduate students of WENDI, who have worked on their independent studies or fieldworks under compulsory elective subject: 1) “Social Innovation and Resilience” or 2) “Practices for Creating Resilience” provided by Course for Creating for Resilient Societies (CRS) in 2020-2021.

International Forum on “Accelerating SDGs Implementation Through SDGs Innovators: Grasping Nature, Humans and Societies in Continuum”
Date & Time: 21 January 2021 (Thu) 10:00-17:30 (JST)
Place: Hybrid (ZOOM and on-site, Higashi Ichijo Kan, Kyoto Univ, This on-site join offer is limited to the first 30 people)
Audience: Anyone who is interested in the theme
URL with the link to registration:

Information for the UNESCO Chair WENDI Guidance Lecture(WENDI GL)
受講希望者は下記のWENDI Secretariat宛にメールをお送りください。レクチャーのZoomアドレスを返信します。
If you are interested in participating to the lecture, please send an email to Secretariat of WENDI.
We will inform you the Zoom access.
- Part I: 9 November (Mon.) 18:15-19:45
- Part II: 30 November (Mon.) 18:15-19:45
- Part I: 8 December (Tue.) 18:15-19:45
- Part II: 22 December (Tue.) 18:15-19:45

WENDI-HESD Guideline of Registration for the Academic Year 2020 (2nd Semester)
2020年度 WENDI-HESDプログラム登録要覧 (後期)
The due date of the registration is on 16 Nov 2020 (Mon) at noon.
WENDI-HESD Guideline of Registration for the Academic Year 2020 (pdf)

ユネスコチェアWENDI-HESDプログラム募集説明会 Information Session for the UNESCO Chair on Water, Energy and Disaster Management (WENDI) Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) Programme日時:2020年10月28日(木) 場所:ハイブリッド:総合生存学館大講義室(東一条館201室)+Zoomオンライン 対象:京都大学の大学院生Zoomによる説明会の参加希望者は、下記Flyerに記載のメールアドレスまで事前にご連絡ください。アクセス先をお伝えいたします。 「2020登録要覧(WENDI)」に沿って説明をしますので、Zoomによる参加者は事前のダウンロードをお願いします。Date and Time: 28 Oct 2020 18:15-19:30 Venue: Hybrid Style: Room No. 201, Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (The following online attendance is also very welcome.) + Zoom Online 2nd Floor, Higashi-Ichijokan Bldg. Intended Participants: Graduate Students of Kyoto University If you would like to participate the information session via Zoom, please contact us by sending an email to the address indicated in the following flyer. Please download WENDI-HESD Guideline of Registration for the Academic Year 2020 (pdf) in advance if you participate the session via Zoom. |

Educational Programme Subjects Application Form (for new registered students)
There are 6 type of forms. For newly registered students, please download the form of the couse you selected, fill in the green-coloured sections, and submit the form by October 25, 2019 via email.
Please make sure to send by email the form to the professor of the course you selected (CoHHO Office for the E Course) as well as to the Secretaiat of WENDI as indicated at the bottom of the form.
Note: For students who registered in the previous term, please update the form you submitted before according to credits you have obtained and courses you plan to take (if any change) and send it to the professor of the course you selected (CoHHO Office for the E Course) as well as to the Secretaiat of WENDI by October 25, 2019.
注意:前期にWENDIに登録した人は、提出済みのフォームを取得単位に応じて更新し、必要があれば履修予定の講義も更新したうえで、コース担当教員(Eコースは、CoHHO事務室) とWENDI事務室へ電子メールで提出してください。
Educational Programme Subjects Application Form (A Course): Excel
(A Course): PDF Form
Educational Programme Subjects Application Form (B Course): Excel
(B Course): PDF Form
Educational Programme Subjects Application Form (C Course): Excel
(C Course): PDF Form
Educational Programme Subjects Application Form (D Course): Excel
(D Course): PDF Form
Educational Programme Subjects Application Form (E Course): Excel
(E Course): PDF Form
Educational Programme Subjects Application Form (F Course): Excel
(F Course): PDF Form

Information Session for the UNESCO Chair on Water, Energy and Disaster Management (WENDI) Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) Programme
Date and Time: 1 Oct 2020 18:15-19:30
Venue: Hybrid Style: Room No. 201, Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (The following online attendance is also very welcome.) + Zoom Online
2nd Floor, Higashi-Ichijokan Bldg.
Intended Participants: Graduate Students of Kyoto University
If you would like to participate the information session via Zoom, please contact us by sending an email to the address indicated in the following flyer.
Please download WENDI-HESD Guideline of Registration for the Academic Year 2020 (pdf) in advance if you participate the session via Zoom.