
Special Seminar on “Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD)” was held on November 7, 2019.
The invited speaker was Dr. Benno Böer (UNESCO Bangkok Office)
See details the webpage of GSAIS:

KYOTO-U OPEN COURSWARE (OCW) from International Inaugural Symposium for UNESCO Chair on WENDI is now available from the following links:

UNESCO Chair WENDI Guidance Lecture(WENDI GL)について
The lecture is composed of a series of two classes. Please see the following pdf for the details.
UNESCO Chair WENDI Guidance Lecture.pdf
Fall Semester 2019:
1st Round — Part I: 9 October (Wed.) 18:15-19:45, Part II: 23 October (Wed.) 18:15-19:45 at Higashi Ichijokan
2nd Round — Part I: 5 December (Thu.) 18:15-19:45, Part II: 19 December (Thu.) 18:15-19:45 at Higashi Ichijokan
1回目 — パート I :10 月 9 日(水)18:15-19:45 パート II : 10 月 23 日(水)18:15-19:45 於:東一条館
2 回目 — パート I :12 月 5 日(木)18:15-19:45 パート II : 12 月 19 日(木)18:15-19:45 於:東一条館

Resilience Retreat, Special Session for WENDI,
レジリエンス リトリート, WENDI特別セッション
Resilience Retreat, Special Session for WENDI will be held at Kamigamo Experimental Station on September 24 (Tue) 2019 (10:00-16:39).

Information Session for the WENDI-HESD Programme was held.
Total 89 students participated in the session.

UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme Special Lecture, “UNESCO MAB Programme: Learning Laboratories for achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals”
Time and Date: 13:30-15:30, 8 Dec 2018
Location: Shishu-Kan Hall, Higashiichijo-kan, Kyoto University
Special Lecture is given by Prof. Dr Enny Sudarmonowati (LIPI, Indonesia), Chairperson of ICC-MAB

Career Development and Choices along Research on Water, Energy or Disaster Management
Time and Date: 16:30-18:00 (Door opens at 16:15), 23 October 2018
Location: Shishu-Kan Hall, Higashiichijo-kan, Kyoto University
Registration not required / Free of participation fee / Language: English

Support on Overseas Travel Expenses for Graduate School Students: Third Call (by Kyoto University’s Zengaku Keihi 2018)
Number of Recipients: 6 persons for 3-month travel and
10 persons for up to 2-week travel
Eligibility of Application: Graduate school students at Kyoto University who wish to be a global leader
Third Call Application Period: Sep 14 (Fri) to Oct 15 (Mon), 2018
Application Guideline (pdf)
Application Form (word)
Application Form (pdf)
(27 May 2019) Activitiy Reports by the Recipient of the Travel Support are now Available from the Following Link:

International Inaugural Symposium for UNESCO Chair on Water, Energy and Disaster Management for Sustainable Development has been successfully held. The main event was on 30 July 2018 at International Science Innovation Building, Yosida Campus.
In total, we had 101 participants including 47 international participants from 18 different countries.
President of Kyoto University, Prof. Juichi Yamagiwa, gave an opening remark for starting off the event.
On 31 July 2018, we had an excursion and technical visit at UNESCO Heritage sites in Kyoto Prefecture, including Kiyomizu, Mampukuji and Byodoin temples.
Due to the weather condition, we had to cancel the side event planned on 29 July 2018.
Introductory Presentation by the Chair Holder, Prof. Takara

International Inaugural Symposium for UNESCO Chair on Water, Energy and Disaster Management for Sustainable Development,
29 – 31, July 2018
Sunday, 29 July 2018: Side Events: International Conference Hall I, Kyoto University Clock Tower Contennial Hall, Yosida Campus
Monday, 30 July 2018: Main Event: the Symposium, Symposium Hall, WEST 5F, International Science Innovation Building, Yosida Campus
Tuesday, 31 July 2018: Excursion and technical visit at UNESCO Heritage sites in Kyoto Prefecture
Side Event on 29 July 2018 is cancelled due to Typhoon No. 12 approaching.