「UNESCO SDGsスクールin 屋久島」の募集

「UNESCO SDGsスクールin 屋久島」の募集
Call for Travel Awards for “SDGs School in Yakushima”

応募締切:2020年7月20日(月) 17:00
Application Due: 20 July 2020, 17:00
Period of the school: 11-15 September 2020
Location: Yakushima
Eligible applicants: All graduate or undergraduate students of Kyoto University

See the detail on the flyer: Flyer_SDGs.pdf

(Note)We had similar questions from some students such as “if the corona situation is getting worse, it will be cancelled?”
For this, our response is: “if we decide we need to change the schedule given the situation and the Guideline, an alternative date will be November 19-23 2020”.